Saturday, June 28, 2008

More fun from the FAQ!

Continuing this week's series on wacky Johns, here's another installment of the Revving John Hagee's FAQ page!
Today's episode: Healing

Q. Does God really heal diseases today? How can I be healed?

A. Absolutely!

Undoubtedly! Completely! Except that he doesn’t.

God's healing power has never diminished,

Completely true.

and divine health is His desire for us.

Which is why he made all those wonderful diseases for us to get!

One of the descriptive names of God in the Bible is Jehovah Rophe, which means, "The God Who Heals."
Scripture is full of examples of the healing power of Jesus.

So full of them that you’d think that someone else at the time would have mentioned it in passing. Somewhere.

While He walked this earth, He healed the lame, the blind, the sick, and the deaf. He healed one-on-one and He healed en masse. The Bible says that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8). He is still the Great Physician.

And I hear that he’s an ace at Blackjack, too!

Furthermore, His power resides in us as believers.

Which neuron exactly do I have to fire in order to unlock this mystical power?

The gospels specify that Jesus delegated His healing power to the twelve disciples (Matt. 10:1; Luke 9:1). Luke states that an additional seventy disciples were commissioned to preach the gospel and heal diseases (10:1-9).


And Jesus did not intend for them to stop healing the sick after His resurrection and ascension.

Yeah, that would’ve been rude.

In fact, He told the disciples that after He returned to heaven, they would do even "greater works" than their Master (John 14:12).

Which is true…from a certain point of view

As part of the Great Commission-Jesus' final instructions to the original Twelve as well as disciples throughout the ages-He said that certain "signs will follow those who believe: In My name . . . they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover" (Mark 16: 17-18). This "laying on of hands" in prayer for the sick was practiced by the early church (James 5:14-15), and it has been the custom of believers ever since.

Which explains why faith healing has withstood all of the rigorous observation and testing that has been done on it!

If you need healing, ask the elders of your church to anoint you with oil and pray for you according to the biblical pattern. Or ask other believers in your Sunday School class or home Bible study to pray with you. If you have no Christian support, call our Prayerline at 210-491-5100 or click here to send Prayer Request online and ask for prayer. One of our staff members or trained volunteers will be glad to pray for you and help you have faith for healing. Every month we share testimonies in our magazine and on our website from people who have been healed by a touch from God. You can be healed too!

Or you could go to a doctor. Your call.

Prayer should be a Christian's first response to sickness,

Before seeing a doctor?

but too many believers use prayer as a last resort. Instead of running to the Great Physician, they run to the medicine cabinet in search of pills or vitamins or other remedies.

Given to them by those wacky doctors. What do they know anyway?

I'm a firm believer in medicine and doctors,

Really?!? It doesn’t sound like it.

and I'm thankful for their healing ministry.

Umm, just to let you in on a little secret – it’s called a clinic or a hospital. Ministries are for a different profession entirely.

But when I am sick, my ultimate reliance is on the God who made me.

If only that was true. Sigh.

Faith is the key to divine health and healing.

If you weren’t healed, it’s all your fault.

Remember, your faith should not be placed in the person who prays for you.

Having faith isn’t enough. It has to be put in the right place, after all.

That person is just a vessel used by God, and a frail little gray-headed prayer warrior in your church can be just as effective as some big-name healing evangelist.

And he’s certainly a better bargain!

That's because the proper object of your faith is Jehovah Rophe, the God Who Heals.

And he’s having a special today!

Release your faith and receive your healing today.

No warranty expressed or implied.

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